Today the Coalition Against Korean Cigarettes (CAKC) filed an antidumping (AD) petition on imports of 4th Tier Cigarettes from South Korea. The first volume of the petition is attached, as well as the Exhibits listing the targeted foreign producers and exporters, U.S. Importers, and information on U.S. Imports. The scope of the petitions is provided below.
Petitioners have requested AD duties as described below.
Country AD Duties Requested
Korea Average margin is 103.02 percent for KT&G
The US Department of Commerce (DOC) will initiate the investigations on 1/7/2019, and the US International Trade Commission (ITC) will hold a public preliminary conference in Washington, DC on 1/8/2019, in which interested parties (US producers, importers, purchasers, and foreign producers/exporters) may testify and answer ITC staff questions about the 4th Tier Cigarette industry and market. The remaining estimated schedule is below (showing the earliest and latest possible dates). Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this.
Event | Current Deadline | Fully Extended Deadline |
Petition | 12/18/2019 | 12/18/2019 |
DOC Initiation | 1/7/2020 | 1/7/2020 |
ITC Preliminary Conference | 1/8/2020 | 1/8/2020 |
ITC Prelim Determination | 2/3/2020 | 2/3/2020 |
DOC Preliminary CVD Determination (*cash deposits required for imports*) | N/A | N/A |
DOC Preliminary AD Determination | 5/26/2020 | 7/15/2020 |
DOC Final CVD Determination | N/A | N/A |
DOC Final AD Determination | 8/10/2020 | 11/27/2020 |
ITC Hearing | Early August 2020 | Early December 2021 |
ITC Final Injury Determination for CVD | N/A | N/A |
ITC Final Injury Determination for AD | 9/23/2020 | 1/11/2021 |
CVD Order | N/A | N/A |
AD Order | 9/30/2020 | 1/18/2021 |
Scope of the Petitions:
The merchandise covered by this investigation is certain tobacco cigarettes, commonly referred to as “4th tier cigarettes.” The subject cigarettes are composed of tobacco rolled in paper, have a nominal minimum total length of 7.0 cm but do not exceed 12.0 cm in total nominal length, and have a nominal diameter of less than 1.3 cm. These sizes of cigarettes are frequently referred to as “Kings” and “100’s,” but subject merchandise that meets the physical description of the scope is included regardless of the marketing description of the size of the cigarettes. Subject merchandise typically has a tobacco blend that consists of 10% to 40% tobacco stems.
Subject merchandise is typically sold in packs of 20 cigarettes per pack which generally includes the marking “20 Class A Cigarettes” but are included regardless of packaging. 4 th Tier cigarette packages typically sold in boxes without a rounded internal comer and without embossed aluminum foil inside the pack.
Both menthol and non-menthol cigarettes and cigarettes with or without a filter attached are covered by the scope of this investigation.
Excluded from the scope of this investigation are cigarettes that legally bear the valid and enforceable brand and/or trademark of a company who is a participating member of the Master Settlement Agreement (“MSA”) of November 1998.
Merchandise covered by this investigation is currently classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (“HTSUS”) under subheading 2402.20.8000. This HTSUS subheading is provided for convenience and customs purposes; the written description of the scope of the investigation is dispositive.
Korean Producer:
KT&G Global
Beotkkot Street 71
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