한국산 승용차 및 경트럭 타이어 반덤핑 제소

Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tires from the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam – Petition for the Imposition of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties

United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, CLC (“USW” or “petitioner”) has filed antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) petitions on imports of Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tires from the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Petitioners have requested AD duties as described below, as well as CVD duties to offset alleged Vietnamese subsidies.

Country                  AD Duties Requested

Korea                     42.95% to 195.20%

Taiwan                    21% to 102% (Normal Value based on Home Market Prices)

Taiwan                    105% to 107% (Normal Value based on Constructed Value)

Thailand                 106.4% to 217.5%

Vietnam                 14.73% – 33.06%

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) will initiate the investigations on June 2nd. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the US International Trade Commission (ITC) is canceling import injury preliminary phase staff conferences and issuing notices for written submissions. More information and guidance from the ITC will be forthcoming. Click here for more on the ITC’s response to COVID-19.

EventCurrent Deadline (could be extended)Extended Deadline
PetitionMay 13, 2020May 13, 2020
DOC Initiation6/2/20206/2/2020
ITC Preliminary Conference6/3/20206/3/2020
ITC Prelim Determination6/29/20206/29/2020
DOC Preliminary CVD Determination (*cash deposits required for imports*)8/6/20209/25/2020
DOC Preliminary AD Determination10/20/202012/9/2020
DOC Final CVD Determination10/20/202012/24/2020
DOC Final AD Determination1/4/20214/23/2021
ITC HearingEarly NovemberEarly January
ITC Final Injury Determination for CVD12/4/20202/8/2021
ITC Final Injury Determination for AD2/17/20216/7/2021
CVD Order12/11/20202/15/2021
AD Order2/24/20216/14/2021

Korean Producers:

  • Hankook Tire
  • Kumho Tire
  • Nexen Tire

Scope of Covered Merchandise:

PVLT Tires from Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam

The scope of these investigations is passenger vehicle and light truck tires. Passenger vehicle and light truck tires are new pneumatic tires, of rubber, with a passenger vehicle or light truck size designation. Tires covered by these orders may be tube-type, tubeless, radial, or non- radial, and they may be intended for sale to original equipment manufacturers or the replacement market.

Subject tires have, at the time of importation, the symbol “DOT” on the sidewall, certifying that the tire conforms to applicable motor vehicle safety standards. Subject tires may also have the following prefixes or suffix in their tire size designation, which also appears on the sidewall of the tire:

Prefix designations:

P – Identifies a tire intended primarily for service on passenger cars. LT – Identifies a tire intended primarily for service on light trucks.

Suffix letter designations:

LT – Identifies light truck tires for service on trucks, buses, trailers, and multipurpose passenger vehicles used in nominal highway service.

All tires with a “P” or “LT” prefix, and all tires with an “LT” suffix in their sidewall markings are covered by this investigation regardless of their intended use.

In addition, all tires that lack a “P” or “LT” prefix or suffix in their sidewall markings, as well as all tires that include any other prefix or suffix in their sidewall markings, are included in the scope, regardless of their intended use, as long as the tire is of a size that fits passenger cars or light trucks. Sizes that fit passenger cars and light trucks include, but are not limited to, the numerical size designations listed in the passenger car section or light truck section of the Tire and Rim Association Year Book, as updated annually. The scope includes all tires that are of a size that fits passenger cars or light trucks, unless the tire falls within one of the specific exclusions set out below.

Passenger vehicle and light truck tires, whether or not attached to wheels or rims, are included in the scope. However, if a subject tire is imported attached to a wheel or rim, only the tire is covered by the scope.

Specifically excluded from the scope are the following types of tires:

  • Racing car tires; such tires do not bear the symbol “DOT” on the sidewall and may be marked with “ZR” in size designation;
  • pneumatic tires, of rubber, that are not new, including recycled and retreaded tires;
  • non-pneumatic tires, such as solid rubber tires;
  • tires designed and marketed exclusively as temporary use spare tires for passenger vehicles which, in addition, exhibit each of the following physical characteristics:
    • The size designation and load index combination molded on the tire’s sidewall are listed in Table PCT–1B (“T” Type Spare Tires for Temporary Use on Passenger Vehicles) or PCT-1B (“T” Type Diagonal (Bias) Spare Tires for Temporary Use on Passenger Vehicles) of the Tire and Rim Association Year Book,
    • the designation “T” is molded into the tire’s sidewall as part of the size designation, and,
    • the tire’s speed rating is molded on the sidewall, indicating the rated speed in MPH or a letter rating as listed by Tire and Rim Association Year Book, and the rated speed is 81 MPH or a “M” rating;
  • tires designed and marketed exclusively for specialty tire (ST) use which, in addition, exhibit each of the following conditions:
    • The size designation molded on the tire’s sidewall is listed in the ST sections of the Tire and Rim Association Year Book,
    • the designation “ST” is molded into the tire’s sidewall as part of the size designation,
    • the tire incorporates a warning, prominently molded on the sidewall, that the tire is “For Trailer Service Only” or “For Trailer Use Only”,
    • the load index molded on the tire’s sidewall meets or exceeds those load indexes listed in the Tire and Rim Association Year Book for the relevant ST tire size, and
    • either
      • the tire’s speed rating is molded on the sidewall, indicating the rated speed in MPH or a letter rating as listed by Tire and Rim Association Year Book, and the rated speed does not exceed 81 MPH or an “M” rating; or
      • the tire’s speed rating molded on the sidewall is 87 MPH or an “N” rating, and in either case the tire’s maximum pressure and maximum load limit are molded on the sidewall and either
        • both exceed the maximum pressure and maximum load limit for any tire of the same size designation in either the passenger car or light truck section of the Tire and Rim Association Year Book; or
        • if the maximum cold inflation pressure molded on the tire is less than any cold inflation pressure listed for that size designation in either the passenger car or light truck section of the Tire and Rim Association Year Book, the maximum load limit molded on the tire is higher than the maximum load limit listed at that cold inflation pressure for that size designation in either the passenger car or light truck section of the Tire and Rim Association Year Book;
  • tires designed and marketed exclusively for off-road use and which, in addition, exhibit each of the following physical characteristics:
    • The size designation and load index combination molded on the tire’s sidewall are listed in the off-the-road, agricultural, industrial or ATV section of the Tire and Rim Association Year Book,
    • in addition to any size designation markings, the tire incorporates a warning, prominently molded on the sidewall, that the tire is “Not For Highway Service” or “Not for Highway Use”,
    • the tire’s speed rating is molded on the sidewall, indicating the rated speed in MPH or a letter rating as listed by the Tire and Rim Association Year Book, and the rated speed does not exceed 55 MPH or a “G” rating, and
    • the tire features a recognizable off-road tread design.

The products covered by these investigations are currently classified under the following Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) subheadings: 4011.10.10.10, 4011.10.10.20, 4011.10.10.30, 4011.10.10.40, 4011.10.10.50, 4011.10.10.60, 4011.10.10.70, 4011.10.50.00, 4011.20.10.05, and 4011.20.50.10. Tires meeting the scope description may also enter under the following HTSUS subheadings: 4011.90.10.10, 4011.90.10.50, 4011.90.20.10, 4011.90.20.50, 4011.90.80.10, 4011.90.80.50, 8708.70.45.30, 8708.70.45.46, 8708.70.45.48, 8708.70.45.80, 8708.70.60.30, 8708.70.60.45, and 8708.70.60.60. While HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and for customs purposes, the written description of the subject merchandise is dispositive.

저작권 2016. 판권 소유. 이 웹 사이트에 게제된 자료을 읽기 위한 목적의 다운로드 및 인쇄 권한은 부여됩니다. 그 이외의 목적으로 이 웹사이트의 자료를 복사, 배포, 재전송, 또는 수정 하는 행위는, 이 웹 사이트 관리자의 명시적인 사전 서면 허가가 없이는, 전자 또는 출력된 형태이든 엄격히 금지됩니다. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to download and print materials from this website for the purpose of viewing and reading. Any other copying, distribution, retransmission, or modification of information or materials on this website, whether in electronic or hard copy form, without the express prior written permission of the website manager, is strictly prohibited. 면책 조항: 에 게제된 자료는 정보를 제공 할 목적일 뿐, 법률 자문을 제공 할 목적이 아닙니다. 특정 문제에 대한 조언을 얻으려면 변호사에게 문의하십시오. 이 웹사이트를 사용하는 행위는 웹사이트 관리자와 사용자 사이의 변호사-고객 관계를 만들지 않습니다. Disclaimer: The materials available at are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular problem. Use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between the website manager and the user.

미국의 반덤핑 제도 요약

미국의 반덤핑 제도 요약

1. 덤핑이란?

덤핑 (dumping) 이란 외국산 물품을 미국시장에서 제품의 합당한 가치 (fair value) 보다 낮은 가격으로 판매함으로서 미국 제조업계에 타격을 주는 행위를 말합니다. 만약 어떤 제품이 미국 시장에 덤핑되고 있다고 판단되면 덤핑차액 (dumping margin) 을 계산하여 그에 해당하는 반덤핑세 (antidumping duty) 를 메기게 됩니다. 법적 근거는 미국 연방법률 19편 1673절 (19 U.S.C. § 1673) 입니다.
반덤핑세를 부과하기 위해서는 다음의 두가지 조건이 충족되어야 합니다.

a. 유의미한 덤핑차액 (dumping margin) 이 있어야 합니다.
b. 덤핑으로 인해 미국제조업계에 실질적 피해 (material injury) 가 있거나 그와 비슷한 위협이 있어야 합니다.

2. 덤핑차액 (dumping margin)

어떤 제품이 미국시장에서 합당한 가치 (fair value) 보다 낮게 판매되고 있는지의 여부는 덤핑차액에 따라 결정됩니다. 덤핑차액이란 제품의 정상가격 (normal price) 과 미국 수출 가격 (export price) 의 차액을 말합니다. 이 차액을 판단하는 기관은 미국 상무부 (Department Commerce) 산하의 국제무역청 (International Trade Administration) 입니다.

3. 정상가격 (Normal Value)

연방법률 19편 1677b절에 따르면 정상 가격을 결정하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

a. 동종 상품 (like product) 이 수출국 안에서 미국 수출을 목적으로 처음 판매된 시점의 가격; 이때 수출국 안에서 제조원가 보다 낮게 판매된 거래는 제외됨
b. 만약 동종 상품이 수출국에서 판매되지 않거나, 그 외의 이유로 수출국 내의 가격이 덩핑차액 계산에 합당하지 않을 경우, 동종 제품이 제삼국 (third country) 에서 판매되는 가격
c. 만약 위의 두가지 방법이 합당하지 않을 경우 미국 국제무역청이 수출자가 제공한 정보와 공개된 정보를 사용하여 제품의 원가와 이윤을 추정해 계산한 구성가격 (constructed value)

4. 수출가격 (Export Price)

덤핑차액을 계산하기 위해서는 정상가격을 수출가격 (export price) 또는 구성수출가격 (constructed export price) 과 비교합니다. 그리고 수출가격 또는 구성 수출가격이 정상가격보다 낮다면 덤핑이 있다고 판단합니다.
만약 해당 제품이 미국 밖에서 미국의 독립된 소비자 (unaffiliated customer) 에게 판매된 경우라면 해당 판매가격, 즉 수출가격 (export price) 을 사용해 덤핑차액을 계산합니다. 만약 수출자가 해당 제품을 미국내의 관계수입자 (affiliated importer) 에게 먼저 판매한 후, 그 수입자가 미국에서 재판매하는 경우 미국내 판매가격에서 재판매와 관련된 비용과 이윤을 제하여 산출하는 구성수출가격 (constructed export price) 을 사용해 덤핑차액을 계산합니다.

5. 실질적 피해 (Material Injury)

만약 덤핑이 존재한다고 하여도 미국 제조업계에 실질적 피해 또는 그와 비슷한 위협이 없다면 반덤핑세를 부과하지 않습니다. 실질적 피해에 관한 판단은 미국정부의 독립된 기관인 국제무역위원회 (International Trade Commission) 에서 합니다. 국제무역위원회는 다음의 세가지 경우에 반덤핑세 부과를 권고합니다.

a. 덤핑으로 인해 미국제조업계의 실질적 피해 (material injury) 가 있는 경우
b. 덤핑으로 인해 미국제조업계에 실질적 피해의 위협 (threat of material injury) 있는 경우
c. 덤핑으로 인해 미국내 해당산업의 형성이 실질적으로 지연되는 (materially retardation) 경우

저작권 2016. 판권 소유. 이 웹 사이트에 게제된 자료을 읽기 위한 목적의 다운로드 및 인쇄 권한은 부여됩니다. 그 이외의 목적으로 이 웹사이트의 자료를 복사, 배포, 재전송, 또는 수정 하는 행위는, 이 웹 사이트 관리자의 명시적인 사전 서면 허가가 없이는, 전자 또는 출력된 형태이든 엄격히 금지됩니다. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to download and print materials from this website for the purpose of viewing and reading. Any other copying, distribution, retransmission, or modification of information or materials on this website, whether in electronic or hard copy form, without the express prior written permission of the website manager, is strictly prohibited.
면책 조항: 에 게제된 자료는 정보를 제공 할 목적일 뿐, 법률 자문을 제공 할 목적이 아닙니다. 특정 문제에 대한 조언을 얻으려면 변호사에게 문의하십시오. 이 웹사이트를 사용하는 행위는 웹사이트 관리자와 사용자 사이의 변호사-고객 관계를 만들지 않습니다. Disclaimer: The materials available at are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular problem. Use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between the website manager and the user.