관세특혜조약 및 프로그램

아래의 약자들은 SPI(Special Program Indicator)라고 하는데 미국과 특별한 관세혜택 조약을 가지고 있는 국가, 지역 또는 그 이외에 미국 국내법에 의하여 특혜관세혜택을 받을 수 있는 지역을 표시합니다.

  • A+    Least Developed Country under the Generalized System of Preferences
  • AU    United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement
  • B    Automotive Products Trade Act
  • BH    United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
  • CA    Goods of Canada, under the North American Free Trade Agreement
  • CL    United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement
  • CO    United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
  • D    African Growth and Opportunity Act
  • E    Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
  • IL    United States-Israel Free Trade Area
  • JO    United States-Jordan Free Trade Area Implementation Act
  • KR    United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
  • MA    United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
  • MX    Goods of Mexico, under the North American Free Trade Agreement
  • OM    United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
  • P    Agreement on Trade in Pharmaceutical Products
  • PA    United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
  • PE    United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
  • SG    United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement


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